Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brooks' birth and Thanksgiving

A lot has happened since I last blogged! I will try to explain.. so here goes!!!

I was supposed to be induced on November 17 which would have made me 39 weeks and 1 day. My doctor estimated BWM to weigh over 8 pounds when I had a sonogram on November 12, so she was worried that he was going to be too big for me to deliver naturally. We knew he was going to be a big baby! My last day of work was Friday, November 13 so we could relax at home over the weekend and then have a quiet day at home on Monday before... well... needless to say, that didn't happen! We ateat my dad's the 14th and TJ said that he throat had been hurting, but he had cut the grass, so he just thought it was allergies/sinuses... wrong! He felt worse Sunday so he went to the doctor Monday. TJ had gotten swine flu! I started freaking out because they would not let him in the operating room much less around our newborn for a few days. I wanted him to be there when our son was born and I know he wanted to be there more than anything. So, 2 hours later, I finally talk to the nurse and postpone the induction. They didn't set a date because they wanted to see me at the end of the week. The nurse called me in Tamiflu since I had already been exposed to the swine flu. They said they were going to call me on Tuesday so I could talk to my doctor to figure out the plans.

Everything was just going Tuesday and Wednesday, and I talked to the nurse again on Thursday to schedule us an appointment Friday to meet with the doctor. TJ was hoping she was going to keep me, but she didn't. She wanted to make sure all of us were well for his arrival! We were on schedule for the next Tuesday - November 24 at 5:30 a.m. We had a lot of celebrating to do before Tuesday. Sunday was TJ's 25th birthday and Monday was Dad's 59th birthday. Boy is October, November and December going to break me!

Did I mention that between TJ finding out that he had swine flu that ACL and TEL got it? My dad and sister were also sick with a sinus infection.

Monday, November 23 -
I went and ate lunch with mom and she treated me to a pedicure! It was much needed! Afterwards, I did a little Christmas shopping and then took a quick nap before TJ's parents got here and we headed out to eat for his belated birthday present!

Tuesday, November 24 -
We were up bright and early to get to the hospital to get checked in and settled before I saw the doctor. We got there around 5:30 to sign papers, get changed and hooked up to my IV (and did other stuff... ugh...). My mom got there a little before 6 for support! You'll have to forgive me, but I am not good on my times after that.. Some things went by fast and others - not so much!

The nurse checked to see if I was dialated anymore before RSF (doctor) came by. I was still 2 cm dialated and had been for the past 2 weeks. RSF came by around 9ish and broke my water. After that, the contractions got stronger and stronger. I was almost 5 cm at arond 10:30 or so and they had me on the list to get my epidural. They brought the medicine cart in and then had an emergency so they came me some pain medicine to last me until I could get it. I think I finally got it close to 12 and was able to catch a cat nap or 2. I was progressing, so they kept me thinking I was going to be able to have him naturally. I started pushing around 4 something, but he was sideways. Around 5:30, they decided to do a section.

BWM entered this world at 6:01 p.m weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He was a healthy baby boy!

I finally got into a room after 10 p.m.
I was really sore the next day after I started getting feeling back and they had me walking around... but I did get to take a shower!!

We spent Thanksgiving day in the hospital, but we had so much to be thankful for! A lot of family came by to visit on the way to my aunt's for lunch. My dad and TJ's mom and sister brought some food to the hospital while we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

We were discharged Friday and were so ready to be home after not being here since Monday...

We love our little man so much.. He is an absolute miracle!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Doctor's appointment - update

I am currently 31 weeks. We went to the doctor last Friday and everything is looking good! My belly is growing! Every time we go, she says "WHOA!!" when she measures my belly. I am measuring 1 to 2 weeks ahead. We will see! He has a strong heartbeat. It ranges from 147 to 148 and we are okay with that! We are progressing like we should. The doctor says that she has no complaints!

Until next time! Please continue to pray for our growing family!

Monday, September 21, 2009

BWM - 4D - At 29 weeks and 4 days

Yeah so, we thought we were going to pass on the 4D, but changed our minds! We are so glad we decided to do it! It was wonderful seeing our miracle up close and personal! He is definitely a growing boy! We went at 28 weeks to do the 4D, but the little turkey wouldn't cooperate, so we had to go back. We got a lot of pictures the second time around.

Here are some of my favorites!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

29 Weeks - First Baby Shower

Here is a picture of my bff and I at my first shower. I am 29 weeks and she is 24...

My first shower was 9/12/09 at my aunt's house in Ridgeland. It was given by both of my mom's sisters, my cousins and a close family friend! We had a blast! Good food and good company! Finally the nursery is starting to look like a nursery. So excited!
The hostesses:
My cousin Leslie, Lessa, Aunt Fly, me, Aunt Kim and my cousin Karen

I am loving the dresser (given to us by my dad), the lamps and the wash cloth cake!

The announcement hanging in the window was given to us by my step sister and step sister-in-law! Too cute! So proud of it! TJ's mom gave us the bouncy seat and my mom gave us the floor playmat. My mom is making our bedding! Pictures to come next week, hopefully!

I am still so proud of the walls! Props go to my wonderful hubby!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

24 Weeks!!

Just a snap shot! I keep loosing track of the weeks!

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's a BOY!!

We found out about 5 or so weeks ago that we are having a little BOY! BWM are his initials! We are loving that we can finally start buying little stuff here and there! Here is a picture of our little miracle! We had a doctor's appointment about a week ago and he weighed 1 pound 2 ounces and 148 heart beats a minute! The doctor said that everything looked good! I have my glucose screening at my next appointment! Fun fun! B and K (our good friends from AR) find out what they are having on Wednesday! We are so excited for them! Just wanted to give a everyone a little update!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

22 weeks!

Here is a little pic of me at 22 weeks!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It has started!

I am trying to keep up with some foods that I like to eat more than others!

My top want would be... coke freezes!! or icees... whichever we can find!!

I also like:
Sour skittles,
salads especially from the Japanese restaurant with the ginger dressing (YUM!),
Oriental chicken rollup from Applebees,
Gatorade and
Captain Crunch cereal

That's all for now... but now that I think about it... some turnip greens and cornbread sure sounds good! Hah!  I am pretty sure that my appetite is coming back! YAY!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well.. Well...

A lot has changed since I last blogged.  Stacey and I finished our photography class and I learned a whole lot about my camera!! Which is a good thing - leading to my next exciting news!

TJ and I are expecting a little bundle of joy in November!  November 23 to be exact (my dad's birthday)!  We have heard the heartbeat twice and the doctor says everything looks good.  We got back on Friday to find out if it's a boy or a girl!  We can't wait!  I am not sure if it's because we are finding out or.. if it's because this will be our first sonogram!  We are ready to see our miracle and get pictures!  

Other news:  TJ finished the nursery last week!  I am so excited!  I saw a picture of a nursery that I really like and so I have been begging TJ to paint me brown and white stripes... He said he will never do that again!  Hah!  It looks wonderful!  Below are some pictures!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Well... I guess you can say now that I am pursuing my photography interest.  A friend from work and I are going to take a photography 101 class at Holmes starting in April!  I am excited!  I have always said that I wanted to take a class or something and I am so glad that I have someone who has the same interest that sits right across from me!  She is the one who found it and honestly.. I didn't even think about Holmes having a class... I am glad she did!  I think the first class is mainly to get acquainted with your camera.. which I definitely need because since I got my new camera, I know nothing about it :o(.  Then from there... we will go to sites and use what we learned!  YAY!

We had Alison's bachelorette party this weekend and we had a blast!  A lot of good food, fun and a bunch of laughs!! Alison's sister, Lindsay cracked me up trying on Alison's little body suit!! HAHA!! Too funny!
This coming weekend.. we have a Couples shower for the happy couple... then the next is their wedding!  YAY!  

There are a lot of exciting things happening in the months of March and April.
Mrs. Rhonda's birthday, my birthday, Robert and Alison's wedding, becoming an aunt again!, taking my photography class.. I can just go on and on!  Can't wait to us my newly learned photography tips on my nephew!!

Will write more later!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's a set!

Well, I some time on my hands in between washing, drying and folding clothes for this weekend... so I made another burp cloth to go with the wipe cover and the other burp cloth!  The burp cloths are really easy and fun to make!  As you can see, I had a lot of giraffe print left over from my pillow case!  I put a blue outline to give it some other color.. anyways! 
I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday!  Can't wait to see some of our friends that we haven't seen in a while!  We're gonna have a blast! 

My sister went to the doctor today and they said everything is on track... and they are thinking he is going to be a big baby. Maybe he will be born on my birthday!  Or Easter!  Can't wait!  

Oh well.. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  And don't forget that if you know anyone having a baby or who needs to get a baby gift!  I will be glad to whoop something up!  I have plenty of burp cloths, just let me know the fabric and ribbon color! 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

In my spare time!

In my spare time.. which, by the way, I have a lot of it... I like to try new homemade projects!  In earlier posts, I started making minky blankets for family members around Christmas time.. well now, I am on to more projects!  Since my sister and brother-in-law are expecting in April, I started making burp cloths and tried to make a baby wipe container cover.  It was very interesting to make to say the least.  The hot glue gun and I do not get a long.. period.. end of story.  I thought I did a pretty darn good job considering it was my first try.  We will see.  I am not sure how much spare time I will have in the weeks to come.  TJ's best friend from college is getting married the 2nd to last weekend in March.. so from now until then, we will be some busy bees.  I also have some gifts to make for a couple of my sister's showers since I won't be able to attend.  It would be way too much traveling in one weekend.   Here are some pictures!

Friday, February 20, 2009

New camera

I have long awaited for a DSLR camera and I was FINALLY able to get it with my Christmas money!  I am so excited.  I have been sewing lately, so I haven't been able to play with it!  I got a Canon Rebel XSi... and I LOVE it!  I am still new at it, so bare with me!!  As everyone probably knows, Jack (TJ's dog) and I have a love/hate relationship.  He's gotten a whole lot better since we got him fixed, but he still can irritate the tar out of me, that's for sure.  Anyways.. on to my story, he was my only cooperative subject at the time, so below are a couple of pictures I took.  Can't wait until my new nephew arrives, so I can take lots of pictures.  Until then, nature and Jack are my subjects... Sewing takes a lot of my time lately!  Got my first order for a pillowcase! YAY!  I hope they like it!  Well, nevermind, I will add the pictures later. TJ is playing some type of game online and when I try to upload my pictures, it goes very slow. Grrr.  
Until then! 

Monday, February 2, 2009

Let the holidays begin!

This was yet another busy holiday season for us, but we so enjoy spending time with family!  

We started it off the weekend before Thanksgiving at TJ's parents house for his birthday celebration and Thanksgiving at their house!  I definitely ate way too much.

We spend Thanksgiving Day with my mom and her side of the family.  It is so good to see everyone because they live so far away.  We cooked everything on an open fire and the day could not have been more beautiful! 

Then, Thanksgiving weekend, we headed to Corinth to see my grandfather and for the guys to do a little hunting and PJ and me to do a little shopping!!  And, of course, the guys had to burn something (long story.. but ends with 3 fire trucks and 2 or 3 acres burned...)  When we got back from Papaw's, it was time for another work week and for TJ and me to celebrate our 1 year anniversary!!! Wow!! 1 year!  

Then, we headed back to Southaven for Jen and John's wedding and we got to hang out with Robert and Alison, which it felt like we haven't seen in a while!  So much is going with my their wedding fastly approaching!!

I think the next weekend, Shanon, a coworker and fellow seamstress, and I headed to my mom's office to finish up some loose ends on our sewing adventure!  We spent practically all day and we had so much fun sewing our blankets, stockings and learning how to make bows!

The weekend before Christmas - Saturday, we had Christmas with my mom, stepdad and his side of the family and Sunday, we headed to Lambert to visit with TJ's grandmother and his dad's siblings and their families.  One of his aunt's made some divinity that was to die for!  Too bad we don't have the right weather in the south.  But it might be a good thing!

The week of Christmas was a short week for me at work.  Luckily, this go around, I had some time off saved up and was able to take Christmas Eve off so we could spend more time in Southaven.  We headed up there Tuesday afternoon and ate with TJ's grandparents and swapped gifts!  We always love spending time with his Papaw and memaw.  
They have a Christmas Eve tradition at their house where everyone opens their gifts that night with just us there.  Adams was able to join us later that night after spending it with his family. 

We got up early Christmas day morning and headed back to Jackson to go spend the rest of the day with my Dad, sister, Ben and Addison!  Santa brought her a trampoline! We had some fabulous food and enjoyed each others company while watching Mamma Mia!!

Saturday after Christmas, we trucked again to my mom's to spend the day with my aunts, uncle and cousins to celebrate the reason for the season!  My grandmother was missed dearly, but we know she was looking down on us watching enjoy each other's company.

The next few days went by fast because I was off for New Year's and Robert and Alison came down to spend some time with us.  We went to dad's and had a blast shooting fireworks, cooking and playing guitar hero.  

New Year's Day seemed to go by real fast!  Went to visit mom for our New Year's tradition of eating peas, cabbage and ham!  I also found out that day that Morgan and Adams got engaged!! CONGRATS to them!  I wish them the best and hope he comes back safely from Iraq.

That's all for now.  Will post more later

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Christmas gifts!!

Wow!  It's been a while since I have written anything, but I am going to try to catch everyone up on what has been going on since I started sewing the blankets I made for everyone for Christmas. 
I will post some pictures at the end or in another post...  I made at least 15 blankets between TJ's family, my family, and a couple of our friends!
Here's the list!!!  I have to say so myself that I am pretty darn proud that I put my mind to do this and I accomplished it with flying colors!  Everyone loves their blankets!
- my mom - zebra/black minky dot
- dad - leopard/black minky dot
- PJ - brown/red minky dot
- Ben - brown minky dot/creme minky swirl
- Addison - brown minky dot/pink & brown striped
- TJ - creme minky/maroon minky dot
- Mr. Wayne -  grey minky/maroon dot
- Mrs. Rhonda - green minky swirl/ brown minky dot
- Morgan - sage minky dot/lavender minky dot
- Secret santa gift - brown minky stripe/creme minky dot
- Robert & Alison - maroon dot/ light brown minky dot
- Brian & Kim - maroon dot/light brown minky dot
- a couple of extras at the house - red/brown minky dot, zebra/turquiose dot and blue/light brown minky dot.

Along with all of those blankets, my mom and I made TJ and me some stockings to hang above the fireplace!  They are really cute, but I forgot to take some pictures of them!  One side is brown minky dot and the other is red minky dot with a white minky dot overlay!

I am starting to make pillowcases as well as shower wraps!  If you are interested in purchasing anything, just give me a call!  I can get over 40 different regular and minky dot colors.  Pretty much any color you can imagine!  The yard and a half blankets will run around $65 and the 2 yarders are $80.  I prefer to do one side either brown, black, light brown, or latte and you can pick any other color for the other side.  Just let me know!

I am also starting to do baby blankets.  I am open to learning new things to sew!  These make great gifts!

I have to say that the zebra and turquoise is the favorite!