Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brooks' birth and Thanksgiving

A lot has happened since I last blogged! I will try to explain.. so here goes!!!

I was supposed to be induced on November 17 which would have made me 39 weeks and 1 day. My doctor estimated BWM to weigh over 8 pounds when I had a sonogram on November 12, so she was worried that he was going to be too big for me to deliver naturally. We knew he was going to be a big baby! My last day of work was Friday, November 13 so we could relax at home over the weekend and then have a quiet day at home on Monday before... well... needless to say, that didn't happen! We ateat my dad's the 14th and TJ said that he throat had been hurting, but he had cut the grass, so he just thought it was allergies/sinuses... wrong! He felt worse Sunday so he went to the doctor Monday. TJ had gotten swine flu! I started freaking out because they would not let him in the operating room much less around our newborn for a few days. I wanted him to be there when our son was born and I know he wanted to be there more than anything. So, 2 hours later, I finally talk to the nurse and postpone the induction. They didn't set a date because they wanted to see me at the end of the week. The nurse called me in Tamiflu since I had already been exposed to the swine flu. They said they were going to call me on Tuesday so I could talk to my doctor to figure out the plans.

Everything was just going Tuesday and Wednesday, and I talked to the nurse again on Thursday to schedule us an appointment Friday to meet with the doctor. TJ was hoping she was going to keep me, but she didn't. She wanted to make sure all of us were well for his arrival! We were on schedule for the next Tuesday - November 24 at 5:30 a.m. We had a lot of celebrating to do before Tuesday. Sunday was TJ's 25th birthday and Monday was Dad's 59th birthday. Boy is October, November and December going to break me!

Did I mention that between TJ finding out that he had swine flu that ACL and TEL got it? My dad and sister were also sick with a sinus infection.

Monday, November 23 -
I went and ate lunch with mom and she treated me to a pedicure! It was much needed! Afterwards, I did a little Christmas shopping and then took a quick nap before TJ's parents got here and we headed out to eat for his belated birthday present!

Tuesday, November 24 -
We were up bright and early to get to the hospital to get checked in and settled before I saw the doctor. We got there around 5:30 to sign papers, get changed and hooked up to my IV (and did other stuff... ugh...). My mom got there a little before 6 for support! You'll have to forgive me, but I am not good on my times after that.. Some things went by fast and others - not so much!

The nurse checked to see if I was dialated anymore before RSF (doctor) came by. I was still 2 cm dialated and had been for the past 2 weeks. RSF came by around 9ish and broke my water. After that, the contractions got stronger and stronger. I was almost 5 cm at arond 10:30 or so and they had me on the list to get my epidural. They brought the medicine cart in and then had an emergency so they came me some pain medicine to last me until I could get it. I think I finally got it close to 12 and was able to catch a cat nap or 2. I was progressing, so they kept me thinking I was going to be able to have him naturally. I started pushing around 4 something, but he was sideways. Around 5:30, they decided to do a section.

BWM entered this world at 6:01 p.m weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He was a healthy baby boy!

I finally got into a room after 10 p.m.
I was really sore the next day after I started getting feeling back and they had me walking around... but I did get to take a shower!!

We spent Thanksgiving day in the hospital, but we had so much to be thankful for! A lot of family came by to visit on the way to my aunt's for lunch. My dad and TJ's mom and sister brought some food to the hospital while we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

We were discharged Friday and were so ready to be home after not being here since Monday...

We love our little man so much.. He is an absolute miracle!