Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Doctor's appointment - update

I am currently 31 weeks. We went to the doctor last Friday and everything is looking good! My belly is growing! Every time we go, she says "WHOA!!" when she measures my belly. I am measuring 1 to 2 weeks ahead. We will see! He has a strong heartbeat. It ranges from 147 to 148 and we are okay with that! We are progressing like we should. The doctor says that she has no complaints!

Until next time! Please continue to pray for our growing family!

Monday, September 21, 2009

BWM - 4D - At 29 weeks and 4 days

Yeah so, we thought we were going to pass on the 4D, but changed our minds! We are so glad we decided to do it! It was wonderful seeing our miracle up close and personal! He is definitely a growing boy! We went at 28 weeks to do the 4D, but the little turkey wouldn't cooperate, so we had to go back. We got a lot of pictures the second time around.

Here are some of my favorites!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

29 Weeks - First Baby Shower

Here is a picture of my bff and I at my first shower. I am 29 weeks and she is 24...

My first shower was 9/12/09 at my aunt's house in Ridgeland. It was given by both of my mom's sisters, my cousins and a close family friend! We had a blast! Good food and good company! Finally the nursery is starting to look like a nursery. So excited!
The hostesses:
My cousin Leslie, Lessa, Aunt Fly, me, Aunt Kim and my cousin Karen

I am loving the dresser (given to us by my dad), the lamps and the wash cloth cake!

The announcement hanging in the window was given to us by my step sister and step sister-in-law! Too cute! So proud of it! TJ's mom gave us the bouncy seat and my mom gave us the floor playmat. My mom is making our bedding! Pictures to come next week, hopefully!

I am still so proud of the walls! Props go to my wonderful hubby!